Joanna Argudo

Climate Resilience Engagement Associate

(617) 540-5650 x1077 || she/her

Joanna serves as CRWA’s Climate Resilience Engagement Associate, assisting the Climate Resilience Team in engaging residents and advancing community-driven stormwater projects and climate resilience policies across the watershed.

Before joining CRWA, Joanna worked as a Community Engagement Water Quality Technician at the Billion Oyster Project in New York. There, she engaged local community members in oyster restoration and helped process water quality samples and data from over 90 sites in the New York Harbor with the help of community scientists. Joanna earned a B.A. in Environmental Studies with minors in Studio Art and History from the University of Rochester.

Joanna was born and raised in New York City where her passion for environmental protection and justice flourished while she was diving in the Hudson River. While underwater with little visibility, she noticed that changes needed to be made for a healthier, cleaner harbor. When not at work, she enjoys printmaking, sailing, trying new food, and scuba diving.