ACTION ALERT: Let’s Protect Wildlife From Pesticides!

In just two short years, three bald eagles have been poisoned by lethal rodenticides. 

In 2021, a female bald eagle was found dead in her nest on the Charles River. Then another in 2022. Now, a beloved eagle who nested on the Mystic Lakes. Lethal rodenticides, which are widely used, disrupt the delicate ecosystem and threaten not only raptors, but dogs, cats, and even children.

The time is now to pass the Pesticide Bill (H.825, S.487) to protect wildlife and people from these poisons. This bill would require applicators to report the use of lethal rodenticides and publicly-owned properties, like elementary schools, to consider better pest management options.

Tomorrow, we are testifying in support of the Pesticide Bill at the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources hearing, and we need you to urge the committee to support this bill.

It’s as easy as just one email––just click the button below, copy the text, add your name, and share why you support the swift passage of the Pesticide Bill to create a safer environment for all, animals and humans alike.

SUBJECT: Protect Wildlife from Poison––Support the Pesticide Bill

Dear Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, 

My name is _ and I am a resident of _ in the Charles River watershed. I am writing to urge you to report H.825, S.487 favorably out of committee. 

In just two short years, three bald eagles have been poisoned by lethal rodenticides. In 2021, a female bald eagle was found dead in her nest on the Charles River. Then another in 2022. Now, a beloved eagle who nested on the Mystic Lakes. Lethal rodenticides, which are widely used, disrupt the delicate ecosystem and threaten not only raptors, but dogs, cats, and even children.

The time is now to pass the Pesticide Bill (H.825, S.487) to protect wildlife and families. This bill would require applicators to report the use of lethal rodenticides and publicly-owned properties, like elementary schools, to consider better pest management options.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, _

Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.

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Charles River Watershed Association Urges Swift Action on Lethal Rodenticides (PRESS RELEASE)