Consultant Hired for Watertown Dam Removal

Progress! Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation(DCR) has hired GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. to prepare a Dam Removal Alternatives Analysis for the Watertown Dam, a necessary step toward removal.

CRWA is grateful for DCR’s partnership in this work. We are pleased with the considerable support for dam removal among local and state elected officials, community groups, and individuals.

For more details, visit this award-winning story map and this webinar. And join us at the June 8 Herring Festival

Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.

ACTION ALERT: Write to MEPA showing support for the removal of the South Natick Dam.


“We must combat climate doom.”