CRWA Applauds Governor Healey's Historic Proposed Investment in Environmental Agencies (PRESS STATEMENT)


BOSTON–Charles River Watershed Association applauds Governor Healey's historic budget proposal that prioritizes investment in environment and climate resilience.

"We applaud Governor Healey for proposing a budget that reflects the urgency and boldness necessary to prepare for the climate crisis when we are already feeling the effects of flooding, drought, heat, and extreme weather," said Jennifer Ryan, Deputy Director of Advocacy for Charles River Watershed Association.

"Governor Healey proposes transformational investments in the agencies that ensure all Massachusetts residents can breathe clean air, drink clean water, play in safe parks, and more. While it doesn't sound like a lot, 1% of the state budget is the biggest boost in environmental investments we've seen in a generation. This is also the most attention we have ever seen a governor pay to the urgent issue of environmental justice. Talk is cheap but this budget invests real dollars in the communities that have for too long borne the brunt of environmental racism in the form of polluted air, neglected parks, urban heat islands, and more."

"We support the Governor when she says this isn't an aspirational budget, it's a real investment in our future, and we are with her 100%. We are excited to work with our allies in the House and Senate to ensure the final budget is as bold as this one."

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to protect, restore and enhance the Charles River and its watershed through science, advocacy, and the law. CRWA develops science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.

Julia Hopkins

Communications & Outreach Manager 

Charles River Watershed Association

(617) 540-5650 x1071

Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.

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