Intern Welcome!

Meet the interns! This summer, we have a fabulous cohort of eight talented interns working on everything from river science and data analysis to video and law.

  • Andy Attalah is a rising senior at Middlebury College majoring in Conservation Biology. This summer, as Data Communication Intern, he will support CRWA's River Restoration program, creating educational materials and maps to inform the public.

  • Amelia Dogan is a Data Visualization Intern and recent MIT graduate who studied Urban Planning with Computer Science and American Studies. Amelia will be starting a Ph.D. in Information Science this fall at the University of Washington.

  • Lydia Jefferson is a Watershed Science Intern and second-year Earth and Environment P.h.D. student at Boston University, where they conduct research focused on the intersectionality between urban and coastal water quality with environmental injustice. They are excited to see what this summer holds!

  • Matt Manberg is a combined B.A./M.S. in Energy & Environment at Boston University. As a Watershed Science intern, he is particularly excited to learn about algae, water quality, and policy in action.

  • Rehan Khaki an Atlanta native, is a current law student at the Boston University School of Law. An aspiring environmental lawyer, and Summer Legal Intern, he strives to live by the wise words of the Lorax- "I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues."

  • Skyler Kim is a senior at the University of Connecticut pursuing environmental studies, art, and journalism. He is passionate about science communication and visual storytelling. As Multimedia Intern, he will report on CRWA's work to steward a clean, resilient Charles River.

  • Andie Sheinbaum is a rising senior at Brandeis University studying Environmental Studies. Originally from Colorado, Andie is researching the impacts of Combined-Sewer Overflows (CSOs) in Massachusetts.

  • Selena Wallace is a Community Engagement Intern and master’s student at the Fletcher School at Tufts University studying climate policy and nature-based approaches for coastal resilience.

Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.

Happy Pride!


New Designs for Medway Schools Will Help Reduce Stormwater Pollution in the Charles River