Widett Circle Update

MBTA announced their plan to purchase part of Widett Circle and convert it into a rail yard for layover trains.

While we enthusiastically support the expansion of regional rail, CRWA has long-opposed development in Widett as it is located in a low-lying area of Boston and  is very vulnerable to flooding. It does, however, present a unique opportunity to restore wetlands for flood storage to protect surrounding communities.

“If we’re going to develop it, let’s do it in such a way that we’re not going to make flooding worse,” says Executive Director Emily Norton in the Boston Herald.

Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.


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