Green stormwater infrastructure designs for Medway.
Stormwater pollution is one of the greatest threats to the Charles River.
When it rains or snows, water runs off our roofs, sidewalks, driveways, and roads––all the impervious surfaces that make up our built environment––picking up pollution along the way.
Medway's traditional stormwater pipes create a super-highway for pollution and bring it straight to the Charles River. This polluted runoff degrades the river ecosystem––carrying excess nutrients that cause invasive species growth and cyanobacteria blooms.
Designing Green Infrastructure for Medway High School & Middle School:
We are partnering with the Town of Medway and engineers from Horsley Witten Group to develop conceptual green infrastructure designs for two priority locations, Medway High School & Middle School.
This project is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Section 604(b) Water Quality Management Planning Grant.
How will Green Infrastructure help Medway?
Green infrastructure brings nature back into our built environment to clean stormwater runoff of pollution, build climate resilience and wildlife habitat, and beautify our neighborhoods.
In Medway, these projects will help meet phosphorus reduction requirements, recharge groundwater and make the water supply more resilient in drought, and increase local greenspaces to reduce urban heat island effect and improve public health.
Following the results of soil tests at Medway High School & Middle School, engineers and landscape architects from Horsley Witten Group will create designs + quantify the positive impact of green infrastructure’s ability to remove pollution.
The goal of the project is to reduce phosphorus pollution in Chicken Brook and the Charles River and educate residents on how green infrastructure improves water quality and builds climate resilience at the local level.
Once designs are complete, the Town of Medway will continue developing designs and look for opportunities to build the projects.
Contact Stephanie Carlisle, scarlisle@townofmedway.org, for more information.