ACTION ALERT: Climate Change is here - Pass a Resilient Climate Bill

Last month, we had a major win in the Senate! Our priority amendments (Statewide Flood Risk Assessment and Standards and Drought Management) were adopted as part of the Climate Bill. But the fight isn't over.

TOMORROW, the House will vote on whether or not to add these amendments to the House Climate + Energy bill. Contact your legislators and show them you care about this issue. Climate change isn't coming; it's here. We need to take adaptation measures; climate mitigation isn't enough.

Please encourage your legislators to support Amendments #23, #31, #63, and #80.

  • Drought Management (Amendment #23), filed by Rep. Joan Meschino, would create a statewide, coordinated drought response empowering MA to require regional water conservation measures to protect our water supplies, ecosystems, and economy during a declared drought.

  • Statewide Flood Risk Assessment and Standards (Amendment #31), filed by Rep. Sarah Peake, would provide flood risk mapping resources to the public.

  • Enhancing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Grant Program (Amendment #63), filed by Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, expands the MVP program, incentivizing municipalities to participate in climate resiliency programs with funds disbursed through the MVP Trust Fund.

  • Responding to the Threat of Invasive Species (Amendment #80), filed by Rep. David Rogers, would establish and maintain an invasive species office to promote ecological integrity and biodiversity by educating the public, coordinating statewide management efforts, and increasing resources and funding for municipal activities involving invasive species.

Here’s a template of what to say:

SUBJECT: Urgent Action Needed: Climate Bill - Support Amendments #23, #31, #63, and #80

Dear Representative _____,

My name is _____, and I am a resident of _____ in the Charles River watershed. As you know, climate change poses significant threats to our environment, economy, and public health. While mitigating climate change is essential, we are already seeing climate impacts, and we must adapt. Amendments #23, 31, 63, and 80 provide vital updates to our state's climate adaptation plan.

As a coastal state, I firmly believe that Massachusetts must lead by example in climate adaptation. I urge you to consider the long-term benefits of investing in climate adaptation measures and to support Amendments #23, 31, 63, and 80.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your leadership and support in advancing policies that protect our environment and communities.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.

Charles River cleanup an ongoing mission - Needham Observer