ACTION ALERT: Charles River in the Budget!

The House budget debate is underway––and we need you to take action! Speak up for budget amendments that will steward a healthier, more resilient watershed.


  • Amendment #513 Hardy Pond Flood Project filed by Representative Thomas Stanley.

    This amendment earmarks $200,000 to the city of Waltham to develop a design to upgrade Hardy Pond’s outlet weir with automatic controls to improve water quality in the pond and reduce problematic downstream flooding. This project was identified by the Charles River Climate Compact as a key project to increase our whole watershed’s flood resilience.   

  • Amendment #567 Charles River Dam Removal Study filed by Representative John Lawn.

    This amendment directs funding to study the potential removal of the Watertown Dam to support habitat restoration, fish passage, and reduce flooding.

  • Amendment #1001 Aquatic Invasive Species Control filed by Representative Kay Khan.

    This amendment guarantees crucial funding for aquatic invasive species control in the Charles and Mystic Rivers, enhancing conditions for recreational users and improving the health of both rivers. 

  • Amendment #120 Increased Funding for DER filed by Representative Joan Meschino.

    This amendment allocates additional funding for the Division of Ecological Restoration. DER has been a key part of improving environmental conditions throughout Massachusetts and increased funding will have noticeable effects in our watershed, as well as other environmentally sensitive areas in the state. 

  • Amendment #502 Community Preservation Act (CPA) filed by Representative Paul Schmid.

    This amendment would once again direct funding from the state budget surplus to the CPA Trust Fund, an important source of funding for land protection and habitat restoration in our watershed. 


Find your Representative and give them a call or email today! Here’s a template of what to say:

Dear Representative ________,

My name is ________ and I live in _____ in the Charles River watershed. I respectfully request your support and co-sponsorship of Amendments #513, #567, #1001, #120, and #502, which collectively increase climate resilience, improve recreational opportunities, and steward a healthier river for all. 

Thank you, _______

Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.

Act Now for a Climate Resilient Future


24th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup Kick-Off