Your source for the latest news, updates, & events.

ACTION ALERT: Protect Wildlife and End The Use Of Toxic Rodenticides (SGARs)
Restrict the use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) to protect wildlife, our environment, and community!

ACTION ALERT: Comment in Support of Removal of Watertown Dam
Following the public meeting on September 25th, at which the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (Mass DCR) presented the Alternatives Analysis Study results on the Watertown Dam, a comment period has been opened for community feedback. You have until October 17 to make your voice heard!

ACTION ALERT: Show your support for more testing after a CSO event!
Today, the House of Representatives is voting on the Economic Development Bond Bill. Please encourage your legislators to support this amendment to set a precedent for more testing and funding to end combined sewer overflows.

ACTION ALERT: We need your support to pass the omnibus climate bill!
The 96-page climate bill reaches across topics like clean energy, plastic bags, flood risks, and drought. Senators will vote on Thursday, June 20th, meaning we need your help now!

ACTION ALERT: Show Support at the First Official Watertown Square Vote
CRWA and Housing for All Watertown encourage all who support more housing, a more walkable and bikeable community and a more vibrant downtown to join the first official Watertown Square vote in person or by Zoom to advocate for its passage.

ACTION ALERT: Write to MEPA showing support for the removal of the South Natick Dam.
The Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Office is allowing community members to show their support for the removal of the South Natick Dam, which was rated to be in “poor condition” by the MA Office of Dam Safety. We need your help demonstrating community support for removing the Charles River Dam in South Natick.

ACTION ALERT: Advocate for budget amendments to support the watershed!
The FY25 House budget debate has begun, and we need your help! We urge you to encourage your legislators to support two crucial budget amendments that will strengthen our watershed's climate resilience and sustainability.

Five Priority Bills Voted Out Favorably
Five priority bills were voted out of their respective committees and are now before the House/Senate Ways and Means committees.

Momentum Building for Bill to Regulate Pesticide Use on Public Properties (PRESS RELEASE)
CRWA is pleased to report that An Act Relative to Pesticides (H.825/S.487), sponsored by Representative James Hawkins and Senator Paul Feeney, has received a favorable vote by the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources and has moved to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

Investing in Climate Resilience & River Health
We applaud the Healey-Driscoll Administration for significant investments in the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant program, the State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Program (SHMCAP), and the Clean Water Trust Revolving Fund in the Commonwealth’s FY24 Five-Year Capital Investment Plan.

ACTION ALERT: Help Cities & Towns Prepare for Climate Change
Nearly 99% of Massachusetts municipalities participate in the MVP program and must compete for limited funds for projects, and communities cannot pursue adaptation at the speed and scale necessary to protect our neighborhoods. The MVP+ Bill (S.599), sponsored by Senator Cynthia Stone Creem (D-Newton), would rapidly expand the program in capacity and scope.

Advocacy Update
It’s been a busy month at the State House! Listen to our recent testimonies for CRWA’s legislative priorities.

TAKE ACTION: Urge Legislators to Create the Flood Risk Protection Program
We need your help––share why you support the creation of the Flood Risk Protection Program to protect our watershed from catastrophic flood damage.

ACTION ALERT: Charles River in the Budget!
The House budget debate is well underway––and we need you to take action! Speak up for budget amendments that will steward a healthier, more resilient watershed. Find your Representative and give them a call today!

Charles River Legislative Briefing
Thank you for joining us for our briefing on our six legislative priorities–the Drought Management Bill, MVP+ Bill, Outdoor Recreation Act, Flood Reduction Protection Act, Invasive Species Bill (H.890, S.508), and Pesticide Bill.

Charles River Climate Adaptation Briefing
Thank you to all who attended our Charles River Climate Adaptation Briefing, hosted with Rep. Thomas Stanley!

Tragic Death of Bald Eagle by Poisoned by Lethal Rodenticides
We are heartbroken by the recent tragic and unnecessary death of yet another bald eagle in the greater Boston region. This is now the third bald eagle poisoned by rodenticides in Massachusetts in two years––underscoring the critical need to ban these poisons as a means of pest control.

Environmental Justice in the Charles River Watershed
Recent CRWA analysis found that approximately 25% of our watershed is classified as an Environmental Justice Population––meaning one-fourth of our watershed faces these hazards and lacks the environmental benefits they deserve for health, happiness, and overall wellness.

Support Our Legislative Priorities— Contact Your Legislators TODAY!
We are thrilled to announce our priorities for the 2023-2024 State Legislative Session! But we need your help––follow these three easy steps to contact your legislators by THIS FRIDAY, JAN 20TH, and urge them to cosponsor this critical legislation!

Let’s Cut the Crap–Sewer Overflows That Is.
On Thursday, December 15th at 6 PM, the City of Cambridge, the City of Somerville, and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) are hosting their second virtual public meeting to discuss Combined Sewer Overflow Control Planning.
Let’s finish the job of cleaning up Boston Harbor and the rivers that flow into it! Attend the meeting, ask questions, and express concerns you have about sewage in the Charles River.