Stronger Stormwater Regulations.

Stormwater pollution is the greatest threat to a clean Charles River.

In our highly urbanized watershed, with up to 80% impervious cover in some areas, every rainstorm washes all the gasoline, trash, oil, pet waste, and more from our roads, parking lots, and roofs straight into the Charles, untreated.

Polluted stormwater runoff also degrades the river ecosystem with excess nutrients, which cause rampant invasive species growth, toxic cyanobacteria blooms, and fish kills, making our rivers uninhabitable for humans, plants, and wildlife alike.

What we are doing about it:

We’re keeping stormwater pollution out of our river in the first place by advocating for strong stormwater regulations, helping cities and towns meet reduction goals, and bringing nature back into the built environment with green infrastructure solutions.

Collage showing water-related images: left side features a water swirl around a partially submerged stormwater drain; top right displays floating cyanobacteria in dark water; bottom right includes green water chestnut plant on the water surface.

Reducing Stormwater Pollution in Cities & Towns

Under the Massachusetts Municipal Stormwater (MS4) permit, over the next twenty years, cities and towns in our watershed must reduce phosphorus discharges into the Charles in accordance with what CRWA’s studies have shown is necessary for a truly healthy river.

When industry and municipal groups challenged the permit in court, we intervened in the appeal with Conservation Law Foundation to prevent the permit from being weakened and reached a settlement in late 2019. We continue to advocate for implementation of this program and necessary reductions in stormwater pollution.

Helping Cities & Towns Reduce Phosphorus:

In 2022, we hosted a workshop series to help municipal leaders create plans for reducing phosphorus pollution to meet the Massachusetts Municipal Stormwater (MS4) permit over the coming years with funding from MA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and experts from EPA and engineering firm Brown & Caldwell.

Aerial view of a large, empty parking lot adjacent to a commercial building with a flat roof and loading dock area, bordered by a river and trees.

Regulating Large Stormwater Polluters with the Clean Water Act

After years of advocacy from CRWA and Conservation Law Foundation, EPA will now require certain large private property owners to do their share and manage their own stormwater, reducing pollution in Boston's three urban rivers; the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset.

Large impervious properties, including big box stores and malls, only make up 20% of our watershed, yet are the source of up to 50% of the stormwater pollution according to EPA. Now, under residual designation authority (RDA), these large polluters will be required to reduce stormwater pollution and obtain permits to discharge stormwater from their properties.

However, EPA has not yet issued the permits, which is why CLF and CRWA filed a lawsuit against EPA on November 2, 2022 for failing to take necessary actions to protect rivers from polluted runoff.


Group of people gardening, planting flowers outdoors in sunny weather, surrounded by plants in pots, wearing casual clothing and hats.

Green Infrastructure Solutions

We’re bringing nature back–– designing, building, and maintaining green infrastructure across our watershed to keep stormwater pollution out of our river.

Green infrastructure uses nature-based solutions like rain gardens, bioswales, infiltration chambers, tree pits, permeable pavers, and more that collect stormwater runoff, filter out pollution, recharge the groundwater, and more.


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