Your source for the latest news, updates, & events.
Clearing the Current: Herbicide Treatment on Aug. 3rd
The next, and last Sonar treatment for the season is scheduled for this Thursday, August 3rd!

Numerous Combined-Sewer Overflows (CSOs)in the Charles River Due to Heavy Rain
This past weekend, heavy rainfall caused seven combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to discharge untreated sewage for nearly 5 hours in the Charles River. This comes on the heels of the release of nearly 9 million gallons of sewage the weekend prior.

U.S. Senator Ed Markey, EPA, State, and Watershed Associations to Announce Annual Water Quality Report Cards for Three Boston Rivers (MEDIA ADVISORY)
On August 3, 2023, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will join U.S. Senator Ed Markey, Charles River Watershed Association, Mystic River Watershed Association, Neponset River Watershed Association, state and local leaders, and community partners to announce the 2022 Water Quality Report Card Grades for the three rivers that flow into Boston Harbor––the Neponset, the Charles, and the Mystic.

Congresswoman Katharine Clark joins CRWA to announce $400K in federal funding for Climate Solutions!
This vital funding will be put straight to work protecting our communities from climate impacts.

CRWA Applauds Healey-Driscoll Administration for $5.6 Million for Defunct Dam Removal–Including $250K for Natick!
Charles River Watershed Association applauds the Healey-Driscoll Administration for expediting $5.6 million in state funding to protect communities from the hazards of catastrophic dam failure. This includes $250K for the Town of Natick to advance the removal of the Charles River Dam in South Natick.

Court denies EPA’s attempt to dismiss CLF, CRWA lawsuit on stormwater pollution (PRESS STATEMENT)
This week, a judge denied the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) motion to dismiss a suit filed by Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) and Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) that aims to hold EPA accountable for implementing stormwater runoff protections in the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset River watersheds.

As the climate changes, obsolete dams put Mass. at risk for flooding similar to Vermont - WGBH
Thank you GBH News for the important feature on hazardous dams that are at risk of failure with climate change.

Stream Restoration in Action! Successful Fuller Brook Tour.
Thanks to all who joined us for today's tour of Fuller Brook in Wellesley! We learned how stream restoration can boost biodiversity, curb pollution, build flood resilience, and beautify public spaces.

SAVE THE DATE: Champions of the Charles Gala
Mark your calendars for a beautiful evening next to the Charles on the Royal Sonesta Terrace in Cambridge.

Depave the Way!
Nothing like a radical depaving party! Great to see nature-based solutions in action with Green & Open Somerville.Learn more, and let us know if you want to get involved!

Reclaiming the Charles River: Intertribal Paddle
We had the pleasure of attending the recent Intertribal Canoe Paddle, hosted by IPD Newton, to share our ongoing work to restore a clean, free-flowing river.

Medway Green Infrastructure Designs Complete!
Learn more about the project: watch the PSA video created with Medway High School students, and watch our presentation to the Medway Select Board.

The Charles River Flood Model was recently awarded a New England Stormwater Collaborative “Stormy Award” for inspiring regional collaboration!
Aquatic Invasives Treatment is Underway!
Climate Adaptation for Cities & Towns
Earlier this month, Policy Advocate Zeus Smith testified in support of the MVP+ Bill (S.599), sponsored by Senator Cynthia Stone Creem (D-Newton), which would rapidly expand the popular MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program in capacity and scope.

Congratulations, Dira!
We are pleased to announce Dira Johanif is transitioning to a new role as CRWA's Senior Climate Resilience Associate.

Farewell & Congratulations, Sarah!
It is with both heavy hearts and joy that we share that Rita Barron Fellow Sarah Traore will be heading south to begin her P.h.D. in Public Policy at University of Texas, Austin.

Welcome, Andrew!
Introducing our new Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator, Andrew Taylor!

Investing in Climate Resilience & River Health
We applaud the Healey-Driscoll Administration for significant investments in the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant program, the State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Program (SHMCAP), and the Clean Water Trust Revolving Fund in the Commonwealth’s FY24 Five-Year Capital Investment Plan.