Your source for the latest news, updates, & events.

Medway Green Infrastructure Designs Complete!
Learn more about the project: watch the PSA video created with Medway High School students, and watch our presentation to the Medway Select Board.

Making Urban Rivers Swimmable - New York Times
Thank you New York Times for including our call with Mystic River Watershed Association + Neponset River Watershed Association to Make Urban Rivers Swimmable in today's issue.

Milford Town Park Ribbon Cutting
After years of collaboration, Charles River Watershed Association had the pleasure of joining with the Town of Milford, state and local leaders, project partners, and the Milford community to unveil two rain gardens and an infiltration chamber in the heart of Milford!
New Rain Gardens for Milford - Metrowest Daily News
Thank you Metrowest Daily News for the great article on our unveiling of new Green Infrastructure for Milford Town Park.

Fort Point Solutions
Thank you to the Boston Globe for including our call for nature-based solutions to strengthen Boston Water & Sewer Commission’s proposed strategy for flood gates at Fort Point Channel to protect our neighborhoods from sea-level rise and manage stormwater runoff in extreme storms.

CRWA has been awarded a $61,970 grant to help cities and towns reduce stormwater pollution!

Let’s Cut the Crap–Sewer Overflows That Is.
On Thursday, December 15th at 6 PM, the City of Cambridge, the City of Somerville, and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) are hosting their second virtual public meeting to discuss Combined Sewer Overflow Control Planning.
Let’s finish the job of cleaning up Boston Harbor and the rivers that flow into it! Attend the meeting, ask questions, and express concerns you have about sewage in the Charles River.

CLF + CRWA Sue EPA for Failure to Fully Protect Boston Rivers
Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) and Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) have filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for failing to take necessary actions to protect three Boston-area rivers from polluted runoff.

A Look Inside A CSO
Thank you to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) for an informative tour of what happens when we flush.

Huge Victory for the Charles River!
After years of advocacy from CRWA + Conservation Law Foundation – including the threat of litigation – US EPA will now require certain large private property owners to do their share and manage their own stormwater, reducing pollution in Boston's three urban rivers; the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset.

Green infrastructure projects in Milford and Natick reduce pollution and mitigate flood risks
Thank you to the Massachusetts Municipal Association for highlighting our green infrastructure project in Milford Town Park which will clean stormwater of pollution and build climate resilience.

For the First Time, EPA to Hold Large Properties Accountable for Stormwater Pollution
EPA Region 1 (New England) announced that for the first time ever, many large property owners in greater Boston will be required to obtain permits to discharge stormwater from their properties.
All Smiles for Green Infrastructure in Milford!
Next time you're in Milford, be sure to visit Milford Town Park to see our cool new “green infrastructure” project!

CRWA, CLF Notify EPA of Intent to Sue
CRWA and Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) notified EPA of our intent to file a lawsuit in federal court over the agency’s failure to regulate properties with large impervious areas that are disproportionately contributing to stormwater pollution in the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset Rivers.

Polluted Runoff Threatening Boston-Area Rivers
July 14, 2022 (BOSTON, MA) – Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) and Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) have notified the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of their intent to sue to protect three Boston-area rivers from polluted runoff.