Your source for the latest news, updates, & events.

Harvard and MassDEP to Build a Public Dock and Boat Launch on the Charles – Read More in Boston Globe
Mass DEP announced this month that Harvard recently agreed to build a roughly 200-foot-long floating dock at DCR’s Herter Park in Brighton to promote public water access along the Charles River.

Charles River Experiences First Cyanobacteria Bloom in Four Years (PRESS RELEASE)
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) this afternoon confirmed a cyanobacteria bloom in the Charles River downstream of the Longfellow Bridge – the river’s first major bloom in four years – and recommended a public health advisory.

Great news! $1.24 million for cleaner Charles River, flood mitigation in Newton
The Healey administration recently awarded the City of Newton $1.24 million to address flooding near Cheesecake Brook in Newtonville.

Helping Owners and Developers Adapt to Climate Change - CRWA in the New England Real Estate Journal

Welcome, Stefan!
Stefan Geller joins CRWA as Senior Communications Manager.

State Gives Green Light to Pollute Charles River, Mystic River and Alewife Brook (PRESS RELEASE)
MassDEP permits MWRA, Cambridge, and Somerville to continue discharging sewage into rivers and streams

Healey-Driscoll Administration Awards $330,000 for Flood Mitigation in Charles River Watershed (PRESS RELEASE)
The Charles River Climate Compact, a regional municipal partnership led by Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA), was awarded over $330,000 by the Healey-Driscoll Administration to continue its innovative work planning for future climate conditions.

The Grades Are In–Read More in Boston Globe, WBUR, NBC Boston
Earlier this month, we joined with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) New England Region 1 Water Division Director Ken Moraff, Mashpee Wampanoag environmental advocate Hartman Deetz, Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn, Mystic River Watershed Association, Neponset River Watershed Association, state and local leaders, and community partners to announce the 2023 Report Card Grades. Read more in The Boston Globe, WBUR, and NBC Boston.

With Leaders and Community Partners, Three Boston Watershed Associations Announce Annual EPA Water Quality Report Card Grades (PRESS RELEASE)
On August 23, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) joined Charles River Watershed Association, Mystic River Watershed Association, Neponset River Watershed Association, state and local leaders, and community partners to announce the 2023 Water Quality Report Card Grades for the three rivers that flow into Boston Harbor––the Charles, the Mystic, and the Neponset.

2023 Report Card Grades — how did your favorite part of the Charles rank?
On August 23, 2024, CRWA gathered with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 Water Division Director Ken Moraff, Mystic River Watershed Association, Neponset River Watershed Association, state and local leaders, and community partners to announce the 2023 Water Quality Report Card Grades for the three rivers that flow into Boston Harbor––the Neponset, the Charles, and the Mystic.

Don’t miss out on Cambridge Combined Sewer Overflow Notifications
The city of Cambridge has changed its system to notify the public about combined sewer overflows (CSOs) into the Charles River and Alewife Brook. To stay in the know about when sewage is being discharged into the river, sign up for Cambridge CSO Alerts.

Passing tropical storm Debby brings reminders of storm preparedness - Bay State Banner
Due to climate change, flooding is likely to get worse. To help prepare, check out the Charles River Flood Model and read this Bay State Banner article featuring CRWA about weather preparedness.

Massachusetts legislature fails to act on climate (PRESS RELEASE)
Leaders languish in protecting communities from flooding, drought, heat
The River Seine is open to Olympic swimmers. Could that work in the Charles? - The Boston Globe
The cleanup of the River Seine has been a significant story in the media coverage of the 2024 Summer Olympics. How does our beloved Charles River compare?

There's more to do for Boston's water quality, say watershed advocates - WGBH
On Wednesday, July 24th, CRWA Executive Director Emily Norton and MyRWA Executive Director Patrick Herron spoke on Boston Public Radio about the importance of eliminating combined sewer overflows (CSOs) for water quality and public health.

Sunset Social at Night Shift Brewery on the Esplanade
Raise a glass for restored rivers! Thank you to everyone who attended our first-ever Sunset Social on July 23rd at the Night Shift Brewery on the Esplanade!

ACTION ALERT: Help Pass a Strong Climate Bill
Please help us urge the Massachusetts legislature to protect its citizens by finalizing a strong Climate Bill that incorporates climate adaptation before the session’s end on July 31st.

Support us by shopping at Buffalo Exchange!
Shop sustainably! Now through December 2024 at Buffalo Exchange in Brookline’s Coolidge Corner (312 Harvard St.), you can bring your own reusable bag and earn a token with your purchase to donate to CRWA.

Listen to the Muddy River! New podcast episode out now
We collaborated with the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) on the creation of this podcast episode dedicated to the Muddy River.

ACTION ALERT: Climate Change is here - Pass a Resilient Climate Bill
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Urge the House to Include Adaptation in the Climate Bill